What is Mantra-Fi ?

What Is Mantra-Fi ?

Mantra-Fi infuse a portfolio-driven approach to investing; individual crypto units will be credited to your broker’s account once you make a purchase. This is not the case with respect to a mutual fund, where you gain access to the aggregated fund alone and not the underlying crypto.

What this also means is that when you invest in Mantra-Fi Baskets, you become a part-owner in every coin that is in the portfolio of your chosen basket, and you are eligible for dividends and other rights assured to cryptoholder.

Mantra-Fi Baskets are like liquid crypto with no concept of lock-in periods. They are a way of investing that offers more flexibility and choice, while still being liquid. The lack of lock-in periods means Mantra-Fi investors can get out at any time without losing their entire investment in case it doesn’t work out as planned.

Mantra-Fi are the perfect solution for those who want to diversify their investments without taking on too much risk. We provide low minimum investment amounts and well-rounded theme-based asset classes as affordable investment options that don’t break your bank account!

Risk diversification

Investing in a diversified portfolio is always a better idea than placing all your bets on a single coin. Rather than investing in 1-2 crypto's that may or may not turn out to be a multi-bagger, the investor should invest in a combination of large, mid, and small-cap projects.

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